Safeguarding Policies

What is Radicalisation?

Radicalisation is the process through which people come to support increasingly extreme political, religious or other ideals. This can lead them to support violent extremism and terrorism. 

People can ‘self-radicalise’, by reading or listening to extremist literature or speakers. More commonly, there may be an individual or group actively seeking to persuade others to adopt their views. 

Belief in an extremist cause and membership of an extremist group can offer people a sense of purpose, identity and community. This may be particularly appealing to someone who is experiencing difficulties and challenges in their life. 

Signs that someone is being radicalised may be (but are not limited to): 

  • isolation or withdrawal from family and friends 
  • obsession with and secrecy around the internet and social networking sites 
  • becoming uncooperative and disengaged 
  • using abusive, aggressive or extremist views/comments/threats/language 
  • a fascination with weapons, chemicals, explosives or extremist activity and events 
  • significant changes in relationships 
  • the use of seemingly scripted speech 
  • change in behaviour or appearance due to new influences 
  • seeking to recruit or ‘groom’ others to an extremist ideology 
  • possession of violent extremist literature 

Prevent Statement

There is no place for extremist views of any kind in our school, whether from internal sources- pupils, staff, visiting adults, governors or external sources- school community, external agencies or individuals.

Any prejudice, discrimination or extremist views, including derogatory language, displayed by pupils, staff, visitors or parents will always be challenged and where appropriate, dealt with. Where misconduct by a teacher is proven, the matter will be referred to the National College for Teaching and Leadership for their consideration. Misconduct by other staff will be dealt with under normal school disciplinary procedures.

We encourage pupils to respect the fundamental British values of: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. We ensure that partisan political views are not promoted in the teaching of any subjects in the school and where political issues are brought to the attention of the pupils, reasonably practicable steps are taken to offer a balance presentation of opposing views to the pupils.

Common Misunderstandings about Prevent

Prevent is not about catching terrorists, it is about identifying people who may be at risk of radicalisation and supporting them to change direction in a way that will help them. It is not ‘spying on communities’. Those suspected of being engaged in illegal activity will be managed through the criminal justice system in accordance with normal criminal justice processes. Prevent is about working with communities to help them support vulnerable people and build resilience to groups or individuals who seek to create divisions and cause harm.

There are only a very small number of people who support terrorist activity, or are likely to. The vast majority of people, in all communities, want to see terrorism prevented, and want to play their part as good citizens in helping to make that happen.

Prevent work covers all forms of potential terrorism, such as Islamist extremism, the Far Right, Irish Republican, animal rights and environmental.

What to do if you have a concern

If a member of staff has a concern about a particular pupil, they follow the school’s safeguarding procedures.

Cumbria Police/Prevent Officer can also be contacted, who can talk in confidence about concerns and help gain access to support and advice.

Cumbria Constabulary Prevent lead: Superintendent Matt Kennerly

Cumbria Police: Dial 101 or 999 in an emergency


If urgent, telephone: 0330 1240791