Online Safety Policy and Filtering and Monitoring Response

Filtering and Monitoring

In Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 there is a section regarding how schools keep children safe online through their filtering & monitoring procedures. Filtering & monitoring is recorded within our Child Protection policy and we have appropriate systems on our school devices and network, this includes fulfilling the cyber security standards. Great Corby School and Nursery's internet filtered and monitored using SENSO which scans the traffic and removes access to unsuitable sites. This stops the majority of searches for inappropriate media and also stops access to media sites such as Facebook, What's App. At Great Corby we do not allow pupils to access unfiltered machines. The proxy setting remains 'ON' at all times. The Safeguarding team checks systems regularly and records what has been checked. Staff should always do a pre-search of a site before letting pupils access it. Children are monitored using SENSO when using IT equipment. At Great Corby School and Nursery we undertake an annual audit (at least) once a year, as good practice. We use the SWGFL to do this online. It compares our school to the national average of standards. Currently, we are at 3.2 which overall is above national for keeping children safe online.


Great Corby Annual Report

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